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Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Vermittlungsleistungen

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Vermittlungsleistungen

1) Vertragsgegenstand / Zustandekommen des Vertrages
  1. Wir - die Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH, Berliner Str. 34, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück - vermitteln auf den Internetseiten der Marke „Camp Leaders“ (www.campleaders.de) Aufenthalte in Summercamps in den USA. Die ausgewiesenen Leistungen werden nicht durch uns als eigene Leistungen erbracht. Es findet lediglich eine Vermittlung durch uns mit Smaller Earth Inc. (2222 Rio Grande Street, Suite 110, Austin, TX, 78705, USA) statt. Wir sind nicht Veranstalter. Im Falle einer Buchung kommt ein Vertrag über die Leistung direkt zwischen Dir und dem Veranstalter Smaller Earth Inc. (nachstehend „Veranstalter“) zustande. Diesem Vertrag liegt das nachfolgende „Program Agreement“ (Teilnahmebedingungen) des Veranstalters zugrunde. Die Vertragsabwicklung erfolgt ausschließlich zwischen dem Veranstalter und Dir. Mängel der Leistung musst Du dem Veranstalter gegenüber anzeigen.

  2. Gegenstand des Vermittlungsvertrages ist die Vermittlung eines Vertragsschlusses zwischen Dir mit dem Veranstalter über die in der Buchung aufgeführte Leistung durch uns.

  3. Durch das Übermitteln Deiner Anmeldung - dies kann schriftlich, mündlich oder fernmündlich erfolgen - gibst Du uns gegenüber ein Angebot auf den Abschluss des Vermittlungsvertrages ab. Wir nehmen das Angebot durch die Bestätigung an. Mit der Bestätigung der Anmeldung garantieren wir nicht, dass Du einen Platz innerhalb eines Programms vermittelt bekommst.

  4. Mit der Bestätigung bestätigen wir lediglich die ordnungsgemäße Weiterleitung Deiner Anmeldung an den Veranstalter. Dies bedeutet noch nicht, dass bereits ein Vertrag über die gebuchte Leistung mit dem Veranstalter zustande gekommen ist. Die darauf folgende Buchungsbestätigung durch den Veranstalter hat innerhalb von 5 Werktagen zu erfolgen. Die Annahme kann schriftlich, mündlich, fernmündlich oder per E-Mail erfolgen. Nach Ablauf dieser Frist bist Du nicht mehr an Dein Angebot gebunden.

  5. Der Vertrag zwischen Dir und dem Veranstalter über die gebuchte Leistung regelt sich nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und dem „Program Agreement“ des Veranstalters. Dies ist in der Regel erst mit Zugang einer schriftlichen Bestätigung des Veranstalters ggfs. durch uns vermittelt der Fall.

2) Teilnahmepreis / Vermittlungsentgelt / Preis- und Leistungsänderungen
  1. Die Fälligkeit des Teilnahmepreises an dem vermittelten Programm inklusive eventuell gebuchter Zusatzleistungen richtet sich nach dem „Program Agreement“ des Veranstalters.

  2. Für die Teilnahme am Camp Leaders Programm ist unter anderem ein Auswahlgespräch zwischen Dir und unserem Team (Pascal & Denise) erforderlich. Ein Termin hierfür wird während des Bewerbungsverfahrens nach Rücksprache mit Dir vereinbart. Solltest Du den Termin nicht wahrnehmen können, bist Du dazu verpflichtet uns dies bis spätestens 16 Uhr am Vortag mitzuteilen. Sollte der Termin an einem Sonntag oder Montag stattfinden, ist uns eine Absage bis spätestens 16 Uhr am Freitag zuvor mitzuteilen.

  3. Im Hinblick auf mögliche Änderungen des Preises für die gebuchte Leistung und auf Änderungen der gebuchten Leistung verweisen wir auf das „Program Agreement“ des Veranstalters.

  4. Willst Du die vermittelte Leistung stornieren, ändern oder umbuchen gelten grundsätzlich die Rücktrittsbedingungen des Veranstalters. Hiernach richten sich auch die ggfs. anfallenden Stornogebühren.

2.1) Programmkosten

First Time Counselor:
Payment Cost Fälligkeit
Deposit €49 Vor dem englischen Interview
Program Fee 1st Instalment €150 Fällig nach erfolgreichem englischen Interview. Offizielle Aufnahme in das Camp Leaders Programm.
Program Fee 2nd Instalment €150 Fällig nach erfolgreicher Jobvermittlung in einem Summercamp.
Program Fee 3rd Instalment €150 Fällig sobald die Visa Dokumente organisiert werden können
Total €499
Direct Placement:
Payment Cost Fälligkeit
Deposit €99 Vor dem englischen Interview
Program Fee 1st Instalment €175 Fällig nach erfolgreichem englischen Interview. Offizielle Aufnahme in das Camp Leaders Programm.
Program Fee 2nd Instalment €175 Fällig nachdem dein Camp dein Startdatum für den Sommer bestätigt. Dein Status ändert sich auf “Confirmed” oder “Placed”.
Total €449
Returner Counselor:
Payment Cost Fälligkeit
Deposit €99 Sichere dir deinen Spot
Program Fee 1st Instalment €165 Fällig nachdem dein Camp deine Startdatum für den Sommer bestätigt. Dein Status ändert sich auf “Confirmed” oder “Placed”.
Program Fee 2nd Instalment €165 Fällig nachdem deine Stage sich auf “Get Prepared” ändert und wir mit der Organisation deiner Visa Unterlagen starten können
Total €429
  1. Zusätzliche Kosten für z.B.: Erweitertes polizeiliches Führungszeugnis, medizinischer Fragebogen für dein Camp, Visakosten (Visagebühr + SEVIS Fee), Reisekosten wie Hin- und Rückflug nach Amerika etc. sind von dir zu tragen (siehe Program Agreement).

  2. Solltest du deinen Vertrag mit dem Camp nicht einhalten und deinen Aufenthalt vorzeitig beenden oder seitens des Camps gekündigt werden, entstehen zusätzliche Kosten (siehe Program Agreement) die von dir zu tragen sind.

*Dieser Betrag ist nicht erstattbar, auch wenn du die ‘Accepted Stage’ nicht erreichst.

2.2) Unsere Leistungen
  1. Kundendienst per Telefon, WhatsApp und E-Mail und Support bis zu deiner Abreise, einschließlich eines individuellen Screening-Interviews (englisches Interview), welches durch unseren amerikanischen Visa Partner vorgeschrieben ist und dein Profil für die Camps nochmal aufwertet. Nachfolgend wird ein ausführlicher Report/Zusammenfassung auf Englisch über das Interview geschrieben, um deine Fähigkeiten und Persönlichkeit hervorzuheben. Darüberhinaus Überprüfung Deiner Dokumente und deines Camp Leaders Profil (bspw. Rechtschreib und Grammatikkorrektur) und Hilfestellung der Optimierung deines Profils.

  2. Beantragung, Ausstellung und Versand Deines DS2019-Formulars (erforderlich für Dein J-1 Visum Antrag), welches vom US Außenministerium bereitgestellt wird. Das DS2019-Formular und der internationale Versand ist durch die Programmgebühr abgedeckt.

  3. Schritt für Schritt Anleitung bei der Beantragung eines J-1 Visums. Das Visum muss von US-Außenministerium ausgestellt und genehmigt werden. Du hast keinen Anspruch auf Rückerstattung, wenn dein J-1 Visa Antrag nicht genehmigt wurde.

  4. Die Programmkosten beinhalten eine Auslandskrankenversicherung für bis zu 90 Tage, die zu gegebener Zeit über dein Camp Leaders Profil aktiviert werden muss.

  5. Optimale Vorbereitung für deinen unvergesslichen Sommer im Camp, durch einen Online-Vorbereitungskurs, genannt “Prep-Day”. Die Teilnahme an einem “Prep-Day” ist laut J-1 Visabestimmungen obligatorisch.

  6. Die Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH gibt dir Hilfestellung bei der Anreise ins Camp.

  7. Transfer vom US Flughafen zum Camp - die Kosten vom Flughafen zum Camp werden von Deinem Camp zurückerstattet, sofern Du einen Beleg vorlegen kannst.

  8. Sobald du in Amerika angekommen bist und das Programm gestartet hat, ist unser US Partnerbüro und wir (das deutsche Büro) für Dich erreichbar. Der erste Kontakt sollte jedoch mit dem US Office erfolgen, aufgrund von Zeitverschiebung.

  9. 24/7 US-Notfallhotline während Du in Amerika bist.

3) Rückerstattung & Stornierungsbedingungen (siehe Program Agreement für Details)

Alle Teilnehmer:

  1. Wenn du oder ein Familienmitglied vor der Abreise ins Camp (Eltern oder Geschwister, Großeltern ausgenommen) an einer lebensbedrohlichen Krankheit erkrankt, oder Familienmitglieder im Sterben liegen, so bedarf es einer schriftlichen Mitteilung innerhalb von 14 Tagen und die Rückerstattung liegt im freien Ermessen von der Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH.

  2. Es findet keine Rückerstattung statt, wenn deine Bewerbung storniert wird, auf Grund von einer Verschlechterung einer bereits bestehenden Krankheit.

  3. Wenn du deinen Visa-Termin nicht 30 Tage vor deinem vereinbarten Startdatum im Camp gebucht hast, behält Smaller Earth das Recht vor dich ohne Erstattung aus dem Programm zu nehmen.

  4. Wenn du das J-1 Visum nicht bis zum vereinbarten Startdatum oder bis zum 15. Juni 2023 erhalten hast (verspätet, abgelehnt), je nachdem, welcher Zeitpunkt früher liegt, behält sich Smaller Earth das Recht vor dich ohne Erstattung aus dem Programm zu nehmen.

  5. Alle Drittkosten (z.B. Flüge, J-1 Visa Gebühr, Erweitertes polizeiliches Führungszeugnis, Fahrt zur Botschaft) oder sonstige mit dem Programm verbundenen Kosten (die nicht in der Programmgebühr enthalten sind), werden von der Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH nicht erstattet.

  6. Für jede Rückerstattung durch Smaller Earth wird eine Transaktionsgebühr von 5€ erhoben.

  7. Smaller Earth behält sich das Recht vor, deine Bewerbung ohne Rückerstattung zurückzuziehen, wenn wir dich nicht zu den angegebenen Kontaktzeiten in deinem Profil erreichen können, wenn du mit Dokumenten und Zahlungen zu spät bist oder wenn Smaller Earth nicht in der Lage ist, notwendige Informationen von dir zu erhalten.

4) Rückerstattung bei Absage des Programms
  1. Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH und seine verbundenen Unternehmen, Vertreter, Mitarbeiter haften nicht für Ansprüche oder Kosten, die sich aus Verletzungen, Verlusten, Schäden, Verzögerungen, Unfällen oder Kosten ergeben, die aus Ereignissen resultieren, die außerhalb der Kontrolle von Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH liegen, einschließlich (aber nicht beschränkt auf) Naturkatastrophen und Handlungen Gottes, Kriegs- oder Terrorakte, Streiks, politisch motivierte Gewalt, Pandemie, Krankheit oder Quarantäne, staatliche Beschränkungen, oder Transportunfälle, wenn Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH keine grobe Fahrlässigkeit begangen hat.

  2. Wenn sich die Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH dazu entschließt, das Programm abzusagen und die Programmgebühr komplett bezahlt wurde, erhältst du eine Rückerstattung auf der Grundlage der erbrachten Dienstleistungen von der Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH. Eine reduzierte Rückerstattung wird in Fällen gewährt, in denen die zum Zeitpunkt deiner Stornierung fälligen Programmgebühren nicht vollständig bezahlt wurden. An Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH gezahlte Programmgebühren werden unter keinen Umständen nach der Abreise zurückerstattet.

5) Incomplete Fee
  1. Wenn du das Programm vorzeitig verlassen musst, während du in Amerika bist, musst du für Gebühren aufkommen, die sonst von deinem Camp an Smaller Earth/Camp Leaders gezahlt werden würden. Die Gebühren für nicht erfüllte Verträge belaufen sich auf 26 USD für jeden nicht absolvierten Tag im Camp.
6) Haftung
  1. Wir haften nicht für Reiseleistungen und nicht für bei oder durch die Reiseleistung entstehende Schäden.

  2. Im Rahmen unserer Vermittlungstätigkeit haften wir bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Bei leichter Fahrlässigkeit haften wir wegen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit oder wegen der Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten ausschließlich nach den Vorschriften des Produkthaftungsgesetzes. Sollten wir Garantien abgegeben haben, haften wir für diese verschuldensunabhängig. Diese Regelung erstreckt sich auf Schadensersatz neben der Leistung, den Schadensersatz statt der Leistung und den Ersatzanspruch wegen vergeblicher Aufwendungen, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, einschließlich der Haftung wegen Mängeln, Verzugs oder Unmöglichkeit.

  3. Soweit wir auf die Angaben Dritter (z.B. Veranstalter oder behördliche Auskünfte) angewiesen sind, geben wir keine Zusicherung oder Garantie hinsichtlich der Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Aktualität dieser uns erteilten Informationen ab.

  4. Camp Leaders übernimmt keine Garantie für eine Platzierung.

7) Datenschutz
  1. Im Rahmen dieses Vermittlungsvertrages erheben wir von Dir bestimmte personenbezogene Daten (wie z.B. Name, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Adresse und Telefonnummer). Eine Weitergabe dieser Daten erfolgt ausschließlich an den Veranstalter sowie, um eine Platzierung zu ermöglichen, an potenzielle zukünftige Arbeitgeber (Camps). Wir benötigen diese Daten für die Abwicklung des Vermittlungsvertrages und für die Anbahnung und Abwicklung des abzuschließenden Vertrages über die von Dir gebuchte Leistung. Diese Daten werden ausschließlich von uns zu diesen Zwecken verarbeitet und genutzt. Detaillierte Informationen, wie wir mit den Daten umgehen, die Du mit uns teilst, findest Du in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

  2. Kontakt über WhatsApp:

Mit der Einwilligung der Programmteilnahme über das Program Agreement, erlaubst Du uns über WhatsApp mit Dir in Kontakt zu treten (Textnachricht, Anruf etc.). Der Kontakt obliegt darüber hinaus den Nutzungs- und Datenschutzbedingungen der WhatsApp Inc. (https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/). Deine Daten speichern wir nur, solange Du nicht ausdrücklich widersprichst und zu Zwecken Deiner Kundenserviceerfahrung. Falls eine Kontaktaufnahme über WhatsApp nicht gewünscht ist, teil uns dies bitte mit. Inwieweit WhatsApp Deine Daten für eigene oder fremde Zwecke erhebt, verarbeitet oder nutzt, ist uns nicht bekannt. „WhatsApp Inc. („WhatsApp“, „unser/e/er/es/en“, „wir“ bzw. „uns“) stellt Nutzern weltweit Nachrichten-, Internet-Telefonie- und andere Dienste zur Verfügung. Bitte lies unsere Nutzungsbedingungen, damit du über sämtliche Aspekte deiner Nutzung von WhatsApp informiert bist. Du stimmst unseren Nutzungsbedingungen („Bedingungen“) zu, indem du unsere Apps, Dienste, Funktionen, Software oder Webseite (gemeinsam die „Dienste“) installierst, nutzt oder auf diese zugreifst.“ – November 2017

8) Rechtswahl, Gerichtsstand
  1. Auf das Vertragsverhältnis zwischen Dir– ungeachtet Ihrer Staatsangehörigkeit – und uns findet ausschließlich das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Anwendung.

  2. Für Klagen von uns gegen Vertragspartner dieses Vertrages, die Kaufleute, juristische Personen des öffentlichen oder privaten Rechts oder Personen sind, die ihren Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltsort im Ausland haben, oder deren Wohnsitz oder gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt im Zeitpunkt der Klageerhebung nicht bekannt ist, wird als Gerichtsstand der Sitz von uns vereinbart.

9) Widerruf
  1. Wenn du Verbraucher bist und es sich um einen Fernabsatzvertrag handelt, hast du das Recht, binnen 14 Tagen ohne Angabe von Gründen den Vermittlungsvertrag zu widerrufen. Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt 14 Tage ab dem Tag des Vertragsschlusses.

  2. Um dein Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, musst du uns, der Smaller Earth Deutschland GmbH (Berliner Straße 34, germany@campleaders.com,) mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung, zum Beispiel durch einen mit der Post versandten Brief, oder eine E-Mail, über deinen Entschluss, den Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist reicht es aus, dass du deine Mitteilung über die Ausübung des Widerrufsrechts vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist absendest.

  3. Wenn du diesen Vertrag widerrufst, haben wir alle Zahlungen, die wir von Dir erhalten haben, unverzüglich und spätestens 14 Tage ab dem Tag zurückzuzahlen, an dem die Mitteilung über den Widerruf bei uns eingegangen ist.

  4. Für die Rückzahlung verwenden wir dasselbe Zahlungsmittel, das du bei der ursprünglichen Transaktion eingesetzt hast, es sei denn, mit dir wurde ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart. In keinem Fall wird dir wegen dieser Rückzahlung ein Entgelt berechnet.

  5. Dein Widerrufsrecht erlischt vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist, wenn wir auf deine ausdrückliche Zustimmung hin mit der Ausführung der Vermittlung begonnen haben und die Leistungen vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist erbracht wurden.

2023 Camp Leaders Terms and Conditions Agreement

What is included in my agreement with Smaller Earth?

  • Pre departure services:
    • Screening interview
    • Document and application vetting
    • Application, issuance and shipping of DS2019 form
    • SEVIS fee
    • J1 visa application support
    • Our best efforts to secure you a summer placement
    • Up to 90 days medical insurance
    • Pre camp preparation workshop
    • Onward travel guidance from US airport to camp
    • Free access to job fairs organised by Smaller Earth
  • After departure services:
    • Transfers from US airport to camp
    • Ongoing support for full duration of your time in US
    • 24-hour emergency line

What do I need to do?

  • Complete the online application form

  • Accept the terms of this agreement

  • Provide all documents as detailed in the ‘Documents’ section of your online profile

  • Apply and successfully attend a J-1 visa interview

  • Complete your online profile to ‘100%

FT Counselor - What are the fees and when do I pay?

  • The full program fee is 499€. This is broken up into 4 instalments.

  • 49€ Deposit due prior to your Camp Leaders interview

  • 150€ due within 7 days after your Camp Leaders interview

  • 150€ due after a successful placement at a summe rcamp (Status will switch from ‘On Review’ to ‘Confirmed’ or ‘Placed’)

  • Final 150€ payment due once we are ready to order your DS2019 document

DP Counselor - What are the fees and when do I pay?

  • The full program fee is 449€. This is broken up into three instalments.

  • 99€ Deposit due prior to your Camp Leaders interview

  • 175€ due after your camp has confirmed your start dates for the summer

  • Final 175€ payment due once we are ready to order your DS2019 document

RP Counselor - What are the fees and when do I pay?

  • The full program fee is 429€. This is broken up into three instalments.

  • 99€ to save your spot in the program. Slots are limited!

  • 165€ due after your camp has confirmed your start dates for the summer

  • Final 165€ payment due once we are ready to order your DS2019 document

How can I pay?

You can pay online through your payment section of your Camp Leaders application.

Are there any third-party costs?

Yes, these include;

  • Criminal background check

  • Medical form - if needed by camp (priced at discretion of your physician)

  • US Visa application fee ($160 USD)

  • Your flights to and back from America

What if I need to cancel?

You should notify us of your withdrawal from the program via email. For full details on program cancellation and withdrawal see section 11 – refunds, cancellation and withdrawal policy.

What happens if I leave the program early whilst in America?

If you need to leave the program early you will be liable for fees that would otherwise be paid by your camp to Smaller Earth. Fees for incomplete camp placements are 26 USD (twenty six US dollars) per every day not completed at camp.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

You can contact us via email: europe@campleaders.com or immediately through WhatsApp +49 157 39071447

This agreement, together with our privacy policy and where your application is made via our website, our Website Terms of Use, form the basis of your contract with Smaller Earth Ltd. It details the services we will provide you, sets out the promises, responsibilities made by Smaller Earth Ltd to you and vice versa. Please read this document carefully and thoroughly.

By making an application through our website, you agree that:

  1. you have read this agreement and have the authority to and do agree to be bound by it.

  2. you consent to our use of personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy

“Camp Leaders” (referred to as ‘CL’) is a cultural exchange program administered by Smaller Earth Ltd (referred to as ‘Smaller Earth’) in conjunction with our US Department of State designated visa sponsors, Cultural Homestay International, Cultural Exchange Network, Council on International Educational Exchange, and United Studies.

Smaller Earth is not a temporary employment agency or a package organiser under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements regulations 2018 and should not be regarded as such. This agreement is to be used for applicants who instruct Smaller Earth to find an exchange program position for them. Such applicants are ‘First Timers’, referred to as an “FT”.

All references to ‘you’, in these terms and conditions are references to the FT & DP & RP applicant. All references to ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ in these terms and conditions are references to Smaller Earth Ltd.

Section 1 - Definitions

In these terms and conditions, unless the context requires otherwise the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Agency Fee: As a First - Time participant the camp where you will carry out your exchange program placement pays a pro-rated fee to Smaller Earth, which will cover the costs of your participation in the program, including: the 90-day health insurance, 24/7 helpline services, the outstanding amount of your DS2019 form, your SEVIS fee applying for your placement and administrative fee.

Data Processing and Protection Regulation (GDPR): The Data Processing and Protection Regulation of Smaller Earth. Based on which, Smaller Earth processes the applicant’s personal data for which the Applicant gives their express consent upon the signing of the terms and conditions. The Data Processing and Protection Regulation fully adheres to the applicable legal environment, particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR), as well as Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (Info Law), as varied and applicable following the UK’s exit from the European Union (‘Brexit’). Smaller Earth provides all Applicants with the possibility of familiarising the Data Processing and Protection Regulation, which is found in electronic form on the Website.

DS2019 Form: also known as the ”Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status”. A form issued by a Visa Sponsor certified by the USA Department of State, including the start and end dates of the program, which must be attached to visa applications of the participants.

J-1 Visa: also known as the ”J-1 Visa - Exchange Visitor Program” A visa category for non-immigrant students and exchange program participants, which provides entrance to the USA for an exchange visit of no longer than 120 calendar days which includes a maximum stay of 30 days subsequent to the termination of the camp placement contract within the entire area of the USA.

Program: The ‘Exchange Visitor Programme’ authorised in 1961, by the Fulbright-Hays Act, to build mutual understanding between Americans and citizens of other nations. The Camp Counsellor Program enables post-secondary students, youth workers, and teachers to share their culture and ideas with the people of the United States in camp settings throughout the country. A detailed description and regulations of the Program are located at the official USA website at http://j1visa.state.gov

SEVIS: also known as the “Student & Exchange Visitor Information System”. An information system of student and exchange visitors operated by the US government, which compiles, manages and controls the data of foreign visitors and applicants to the program during their entrance, stay and travels within the USA.

SEVIS Fee: A fee covering the continuous operation of the Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVP) (administration and maintenance costs) by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), also known as an I-901 payment.

Screening interview: All applicants are required to have a screening interview with Camp Leaders prior to acceptance into the program. This is a regulatory requirement for the J1 visa. We actively promote equal opportunities for all applicants interested in participating in the program. We select candidates for the interview based on their skills, availability, preferences, qualifications and experience. Please note that certain roles have age limits required by law (21+) and certain roles are gender specific as you will share accommodation with children of the same gender.

Visa Sponsor: Only US State Department-designated sponsors are authorized to issue the Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (DS-2019 form), which is the basic document to support an application for an exchange visitor visa (J-1 Visa). Sponsors screen and select prospective exchange visitors based on the criteria set forth in the governing regulations. The visa sponsor's primary concerns are the participants’ health, safety, and welfare during their stay in the US.

Your online Application: You create your online application by registering on our website (www.campleaders.com/de or www.campleaders.com/eu), complete your profile and upload the required documents. You agree to accept communications via our online system. Our website and our online system is administered by Smaller Earth.

Section 2 - What is included in the program
  1. Participating in the Camp Leaders program you will be entitled to:

Pre-departure services:

  • Customer service and support via E-Mail, Telephone and WhatsApp whilst in Germany/Europe, which includes individual screening interviews required by the visa regulations, documents and application vetting. Additionally, we are writing a report/summary for FTs and DPs after the screening interview which highlights your personality and skills.

  • SEVIS receipt (Camp Leaders will pay the SEVIS fee on your behalf)

  • Application, issuance and shipping of your DS2019 form (required for your J-1 visa application), provided by your US Department of State designated visa sponsor. The cost of the DS2019 form and international shipping is covered by your program fee.

  • J-1 visa application support (your visa is subject to approval by the US Department of State and the US Embassy, and you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid to us if your visa application is unsuccessful).

  • Our best efforts to secure you a summer placement in the US (see “Summer Contract” section below) subject to adherence to these terms and conditions, and Smaller Earth guidelines, and subject to full compliance with your contract with the camp at which you are placed (referred to as ‘Placement Contract’), and full compliance with all US Department of State requirements for J-1 visa holders.

  • Up to 90 days medical insurance with 250 000 USD maximum coverage (see ‘Medical Insurance’ section below).

  • Pre-camp Preparation Workshop either virtually or in-person prior to departure to the USA, for which completion is mandatory per J-1 visa regulations.

  • Free access to any in person or virtual job fair organized by Smaller Earth.

  • Smaller Earth will provide an Itinerary with obligatory guidance from the US airport to the camp (onward travel).

3. After departure services:

  • Transfers from US airport to camp - The costs of the transfer to the camp from the airport will be reimbursed by your Camp - subsequently, in lieu of a receipt. Following completion of the camp contract, the Camp will provide a transfer to the nearest public transportation point.

  • Once you arrive and the program begins in the US, both your visa sponsor and Smaller Earth will provide ongoing support, and assistance throughout the duration of stay.

  • Emergency telephone support whilst in the US is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (May 1 to September 30) and 9am – 5pm (EST) Mon-Fri (October 1 – April 30).

Please Note: We act only as an agent in respect of the camp placement arrangements we take and/or make on your behalf.

Section 3 – Your Application
  1. For your application to be complete and ready for you to fly to the USA, you must:
  • Complete the online application form;

  • Accept the terms of this agreement;

  • Provide all documents as detailed in the “Documents” section of your online profile including (but not limited to) references, copy of your passport, police check, medical release form and placement contract;

  • Apply and successfully attend a J-1 visa interview (more details in J-1 visa application section); and

  • Complete your online profile to ‘100% Complete’ including (but not limited to) paying in full, verifying visa receipt, signing visa sponsor agreement, submitting travel information and requesting insurance.

  1. All documents currently required can be found on your online profile and can be completed online and/or downloaded. All documents must be submitted by the deadline on the website. Failure to submit all documents by the deadline may result in your withdrawal from the program, without refund.

  2. You must inform Smaller Earth of any changes in contact information, availability, health, criminal background, or any other pertinent changes regarding your application and ability to participate in the program. If any changes are made after your acceptance onto the program or you fail to meet document deadlines laid out in these terms which lead to the placement becoming difficult or unlikely, Smaller Earth reserves the right to withdraw you from the program and any refund given will be at the discretion of Smaller Earth based on services already provided. You will be liable for all financial and non-financial consequences if you fail to inform Smaller Earth about changes in contact information, availability, your health conditions or criminal background.

  3. You must inform Smaller Earth if you have any relatives living in the US. Failure to declare this information may have consequences on your J-1 visa application and thus, may result in your removal from the program and any previous payments will be forfeited.

  4. US Passport holders and US Green card holders do not require a J-1 visa and DS2019 form, but you must have, or apply for, a US Social Security Card before travelling to the US. Applications must be made by February 1st of the year in which you wish to participate in the program at the latest. You must provide evidence of your application to Camp Leaders.

  5. Placement may occur anytime between completion of the full application and 1st July of the year in which you make your application. Smaller Earth reserves the right to end all placements after 1st June and before 1 July in each year, should it be felt that a reasonable placement is no longer feasible. Placement means the date a camp confirms they want to hire you, at which point your online profile ‘placement status’ will change to ’confirmed’.

  6. Placement is based on the needs of the camp, your preferences, your availability and your experience and skills. If Smaller Earth accepts your application there is no guarantee that a camp will offer you a position for the summer. Smaller Earth does not charge any fees to participants in relation to finding a placement. The cost of placement is covered by camp.

  7. You must be completely honest with Smaller Earth throughout the application process and all information submitted must be accurate. Any false, deceptive or withheld information on your application or documentation, or any behaviour (including that presented through your social media accounts) deemed by Smaller Earth as inappropriate or prejudicial, during, or after, your acceptance to the program may be grounds for your immediate removal from the program with, or without, refund of fees, all at the absolute discretion of Smaller Earth.

It is agreed and understood that nothing in this agreement guarantees you a placement at a camp. Smaller Earth’s services are limited to assisting you with your application and providing post departure services as an agent. Smaller Earth will not be responsible to you for any costs or liabilities which you incur in anticipation of your participation in a camp for which your application is unsuccessful. In the event that your application is unsuccessful, all fees which are payable up to the point of the application being made will fall due and payable to us.

Section 4 - Criminal Background Check
  1. The program comes under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exception) Order 1975 and you must therefore declare all current and spent (expired) arrests, cautions, warnings, reprimands and convictions in your application form. Smaller Earth will evaluate the nature of your offence and advise you whether or not you can proceed with your application.

  2. Failure to provide honest, accurate and up to date information regarding your criminal background, may affect your participation on the program as well as your ability to obtain a J-1 visa.

  3. An approved police check dated 1st September 2022 or later is required to participate in the program. You must apply and pay for this certificate independently.

  4. You must submit a copy of your police check to Smaller Earth within the deadlines outlined in your online profile’s document section). If your police check has an arrest, caution, warning, reprimand, or conviction listed OR if it states ‘No Live Trace’;

  • You may not be eligible to participate in the program.

  • If accepted onto the program, you may be required to attend a special visa appointment (VCU) at the US Embassy and will be required to contact the US Embassy directly to arrange this. Persons with criminal backgrounds (whether ‘live’ or ‘spent’) face a higher risk of visa denial by the US Department of State. Please refer to the ‘Refund and Cancellation Policy’ section of this agreement for more details on applicable refunds in such circumstances.

  • Any additional fees incurred as a result are to be paid by you as they arise.

ADDITIONALLY, if you DID NOT previously declare this information in your application form or interview:

  • Your participation on the program may be terminated, without refund.

If you are applying from Germany but are not a resident or citizen of Germany, you will also need to obtain the highest level of police check available from your home country, with a certified English translation. All fees associated are at your own additional expense.

You authorise Smaller Earth to share your police certificate with US employers to secure your placement, and with your Visa Sponsor and the US State Department to issue your DS2019 form.

You must take the original copy of your police certificate with you to the USA for your camp. Failure to do so may result in your immediate dismissal and you will incur associated fees as outlined in the ‘Summer Contract’ section (8) of this agreement.

Section 5 - Medical Form
  1. After your placement has been confirmed you will be required by your camp to complete a medical form and have it signed by a physician prior to your departure for camp. Camp uses the medical forms as a health history in case of emergency and also uses it to prepare and provide a safe environment for their staff and children on site. Smaller Earth does not have access to your medical form. All camps will require proof of full childhood vaccinations on their medical form for Measles, Mumps & Rubella. Please note that some camps may require additional immunizations such as, but not limited to Hepatitis A or B, and TB. Any costs incurred to require immunization are the responsibility of the applicant. Your camp may be unable to take you if you have not been fully vaccinated. If you are concerned, you should discuss this with your Doctor.

  2. You are required to make Smaller Earth aware of any pre-existing medical conditions from which you may suffer after your acceptance to the program. If Smaller Earth feels that any of your medical conditions may affect your ability to participate safely on the program, Smaller Earth reserves the right to terminate your participation on the program and issue a refund amount at its absolute discretion. If your physician or specialist approves you to participate in the program with a signed doctor letter, you must purchase additional medical insurance which covers your pre-existing conditions for your entire stay in the US. You will need to provide a copy of your additional insurance policy to Smaller Earth no later than 30 days before departure.

16. You must take the original copy of your medical form with you to the USA for your camp. Failure to take the original of your medical form to your camp or failure to disclose any pre-existing conditions may result in your immediate dismissal from your placement and you will incur associated fees as outlined in the ‘Summer Contract’ section of this agreement (section 8).

Section 6 - J-1 Visa Application Process

A J-1 visa is required to participate in the program. You cannot participate in the program without a J-1 visa stamped in your passport. By agreeing to these terms, you agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the J-1 visa as outlined by the US Department of State.

  1. All J-1 visa applicants are required to attend an in-person interview at a US Embassy or Consulate in your home country or country of legal residence. The US Department of State currently charges a fee of $160 US dollars, (correct as of 1st June 2022) for the J-1 interview and processing.

  2. Smaller Earth will supply you with your DS2019 form, provided by our US Department of State designated visa sponsor, required to apply for your J-1 visa as well as instructions on how to complete all other forms associated with the J-1 visa application. Your DS2019 form will be issued once you have paid the appropriate program fee instalment and confirmed all your passport details in your online account. In order to provide our service, we will share your personal data with your Visa Sponsor and US State Department. This is only for the purpose of processing your application.

  3. The original fee for the DS2019 form is included in the program fees. Smaller Earth will charge 50€ (plus postage) for each DS2019 reprint required by you due to any theft, loss, or damage of the original or any incorrect information, given by you, which requires a reprint.

  4. Your SEVIS fee is included in the program fee. SEVIS is required for your J-1 visa application. You will receive instructions on how to access and print your SEVIS receipt prior to your embassy appointment.

  5. The US Embassies in Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich have specific dates available for J-1 visa interviews and procedures for booking appointments may vary. Available appointments are limited, please book your visa interview without any delay as soon as Smaller Earth notifies you to book.

  6. You are responsible for arranging and paying for your own transportation to the US Embassy or Consulate for your J-1 visa interview and any other costs associated.

  7. To process your J-1 visa, the US Embassy will keep your passport for a minimum of 10 business days in order to issue the visa, but this can be considerably longer. Please do not make any international travel arrangements to depart soon after your visa interview.

  8. The US Department of State recommends that all visa applicants attend a visa interview in their country of citizenship or permanent legal residency. An appointment in a country where you are not a citizen or permanent resident may result in a higher risk of visa denial. Participants are required to supply personal social media accounts as part of the visa application process and the US Embassy may use this information to determine suitability for the program.

If you are refused a visa by the American authorities, please inform Smaller Earth immediately on visas@smallerearth.com and CC europe@campleaders.com. Partial refunds of payments made to Smaller Earth may be made at the discretion of Smaller Earth, once written proof of refusal is received from the Embassy. If you are refused a visa due to content on your social media accounts, previously refused a visa, you have failed to follow instructions given by Smaller Earth regarding your visa application, you have an undisclosed criminal conviction, no refund will be given.

25. Smaller Earth is not in control of the processing time or success of your J-1 visa application or available visa interview appointments. If your J-1 visa is delayed (thus affecting your ability to travel to a camp), or if your J-1 visa application is denied/rejected, your application will be withdrawn. Please see the ‘Refund, withdrawal and Cancellation Policy’ section of this agreement (section 11).

  1. If you hold a US passport or Green Card, clauses 17 to 24 above do not apply. If you hold a current US passport you must use this for travel to the US. If you hold a current US Green Card you must use this for travel to the US, along with your national passport.
Section 7 - Travel to the USA
  1. You are responsible for the cost and arrangement of your transportation to the airport from which you will depart to the US, as well as any transportation costs and arrangements upon your return from the US. Please always arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before your flight departure to allow enough time for check in and security.

  2. Your camp, through Smaller Earth, will inform you of your onward travel arrangements from your arrival airport in the US to your placement location.

  3. You are responsible for the cost and arrangement of your flights (outbound and return flight) and transportation to the US airport from which you will depart at the end of your stay in the US.

  4. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you consent to Smaller Earth checking your I-94 arrival and departure record to check your arrival and/or departure from the US in case the State Department or your visa sponsor needs proof of your arrival and/or departure.

  5. Your international flights to the US must be arranged to arrive on your placement ‘Arrival Date’ and to the US airport specified by your camp. These details can be found in your ‘Travel and Flights’ section of your application once your placement at camp is confirmed. Due to availability of flights, in rare cases you may need to travel to America up to 2 days in advance of your camps' agreed ‘Arrival Date’. In these instances, you will be required to organise your own accommodation. Smaller Earth will provide you with ‘onward travel’ information. This will include information on how you will get from your arrival city to camp.

  6. You must provide your outbound flight information to Smaller Earth as soon as possible in order for us to arrange your onward travel from your arrival city to camp once your placement is confirmed.

  7. Smaller Earth must be notified if you have been exposed to a communicable disease, have sustained a serious injury or have any other changes to your general medical condition. Additionally, you may be required to notify Smaller Earth if you have travelled outside of Germany in the 3 weeks prior to your departure to the US. Smaller Earth reserves the right to vary, delay or cancel your placement should your criminal or medical circumstances change or deteriorate between the time of your application and the date that you are due to depart for the United States.

Section 8 - Summer Contract
  1. Your summer camp placement will be governed by a contract between you and the camp which you will be attending. Smaller Earth is not a party to that contract. Your camp will set your contract dates within your set availability dates. You are required to honour the entire amount of time for which the camp has contracted you. You will be asked by the camp to sign a contract and you agree to sign that contract and hold Smaller Earth harmless from any claims that may arise as a result of any breach of that contract by you, or any failure by you to comply with your responsibilities. Your contract with camp will be offered on an ‘at-will’ basis as defined under the U.S labour law. You must submit a signed copy of your contract to Smaller Earth within 3 days of you receiving it from your camp. We strongly advise you to review, not only the placement information on your online profile, but also the specific camp’s website once your placement is confirmed.

  2. Minimum contract periods for the Camp Leaders program are:

  3. Residential Camp Counselor – 63 calendar days

  4. Day Camp Counselor – 77 calendar days

  5. Pocket money is determined by your camp and will be specified in your contract with the camp. Smaller Earth set the following minimum net amounts (earnings after state/federal tax deductions), which your camp must pay you for your basic contract period see Section 2 above):

Pocket Money
All ages
Camp Counselor $1800 USD
Special Needs Counselor $1900 USD
Specialist Camp Counselor $1900 USD

Camp Counselors (who hold J-1 visas) are required to file a U.S. Federal income tax return and in certain cases, a State income tax return to satisfy their U.S. income tax liability. If tax has not been deducted by your camp, you are required to make your payment to the US tax authorities when submitting your tax return. The deadline for tax payments is April 15th in the year following your camp placement. Your pocket money may be subject to taxation in your home country. You are responsible for making your own tax declarations. Please note that Smaller Earth does not have tax preparation capabilities but can provide a referral to an accounting firm which can assist with completing and filing the foregoing tax forms and remitting the tax due to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

  1. Where the basic contract length for your camp extends beyond the minimum contract periods listed above, but still within your set availability, a rate of $40 for ‘Counselors’ will be paid by your camp per additional workday.

  2. Your camp will allow each participant a time off schedule equivalent to all camp staff and in accordance with any federal/state/local laws, rules, and regulations.

  3. Your camp will provide training upon arrival that includes (but is not limited to) camp rules, policies, and safety. During your stay you agree to carry out your Counselor duties and other responsibilities towards the participating camp to the best of your ability and with due respect. You agree to cooperate fully with those supervising the program and you agree to abide by any reasonable instructions they may give you.

  4. Your camp will provide food, board, bedding and uniforms (if required) at no additional cost for the duration of stay at camp. Your Camp also will provide laundry facilities or access to facilities.

In order to comply with State Law, participants placed in certain states and certain camp types, will be subject to different payment terms. Participants will receive pocket money in line with relevant minimum wage and permitted deductions (including medical insurance, housing and food). Participants accepting a placement in these camps will be required to agree to additional Terms and Conditions dealing with payment prior to confirmation of placement.

  1. Failure to complete your camp contract, for any reason, may result in the cancellation of your J-1 visa status. Your visa sponsor will notify you of the date by which you need to leave the US. Without prejudice to any other claims Smaller Earth may have, you will be responsible for all extra costs or liabilities which arise as a result of your failure to complete your camp contract, including but not limited to accommodation and transportation fees.

  2. Your Camp pays a prorated fee to Smaller Earth, which will cover the costs of your participation in the program, including: the 90-day health insurance, 24/7 helpline services, the outstanding amount of your DS2019 form, your SEVIS receipt fee and a placement fee. Parties agree that failure to complete your camp contract, for any reason, will make you liable for fees that would otherwise be paid by your camp to Smaller Earth. Fees for incomplete camp placements work out at 26 USD (twenty six US dollars) per every day not completed at camp. You are still entitled to your prorated pocket money based on the days completed at camp.

Smaller Earth will invoice you for the monies owed and payment is due within 14 days of the date of issuance of the invoice. If you submit a written request, Camp Leaders can provide the opportunity to make this payment in instalments.

Should you be unable to complete your camp contract due to personal illness or death, or the illness or death of an immediate family member (which includes parents or siblings; but does not include grandparents), Smaller Earth may, in its absolute discretion, waive any portion of fees otherwise owed by you to Smaller Earth for the incomplete summer camp contract. Official documentation showing reasons for your early return must be submitted before any reduction of the fees owed will be considered.

  1. You are responsible for your own personal expenses before, during and after your contract, including transportation back to your departure airport in the US.

  2. Participants are required to meet all requirements of the US Department of States regulations. This will include, but is not limited to, performing a monthly online ‘check-in’ with your visa sponsor. All visa sponsor requirements are available in your profile under the visa section and will be listed and explained during the pre- departure presentation.

  3. You are subject to the rules and regulations of the camp at which you are placed. primarily for the children, yours and other staff members' health, safety and welfare. These may include (but are not limited to): no smoking; no drinking; no drug use; no inappropriate relations with minors; set curfews; cell phone and internet policies, time-off policies and abiding by all applicable US laws. You understand that you will be living with other staff and/or campers in a cabin, tent or dormitory accommodation, and that you may experience little or no privacy on a regular basis. You will be on-duty for long hours every day (except days off). You are also aware that your placement is based upon the information regarding your skills, which you provide in your online profile along with any details you provide directly to your camp during an interview. Failure to comply with the policies of your camp, or an inability to perform to the level you have previously disclosed, may result in termination of your placement contract and/or this contract.

Smaller Earth considers campers valuable members of society who have an unconditional right to be treated with dignity and respect. As such they should be fully protected against any exertion of inappropriate power, whether sexual, physical or emotional. Relationships with campers, or with anyone under the age of 18, are strictly forbidden. You are not permitted to accept campers as ‘friends’ on social media. Smaller Earth fully supports any action taken against perpetrators of abuse.

In line with standard protocols when working with children and vulnerable adults, participants are expected to ensure all social media accounts are set to ‘private’ prior to departure to the US.

  1. Smaller Earth does not own or in any way assume responsibility for the operation of the camp at which you are placed. The running of each is solely at the discretion of its owner and/or director. As a consequence, Smaller Earth cannot, and does not, accept liability for any decisions or actions, of whatever nature, made by, or on behalf of, the camp owner and/or director. If you consider that you have any loss, injury or damage whatsoever, as a result of any such decisions, actions or remissions, your right to recourse lies with the camp. Your acceptance of a placement is specifically conditional to this.

55. If any problems should arise between you and your camp during the course of your stay, you must promptly inform your visa sponsor via the 24/7 helpline.

Section 9 - Medical and Travel Insurance

J-1 visa regulations require that all exchange visitors have a specified insurance policy in effect that covers them for sickness or accidents during the entire time of their exchange visitor program.

  1. Smaller Earth provides you with UP TO 90 days of fully comprehensive medical insurance beginning on the date you depart for the USA. If you will be in the USA for more than 90 days you must pay for the extension of the policy up to the date you return to your home country. Insurance conditions are available in your profile under the Insurance section.

  2. Medical insurance does not cover:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions (any chronic condition, or condition for which you have had treatment/changes to medication, in the 36 months prior to departure to the USA).

  • Participants over age 69.

  • Work related injuries. Your camp ‘Workers Compensation Insurance” will cover any injuries sustained while working at camp.

  1. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or take any medications:
  • You must declare this on your online application form to Smaller Earth and on your medical form to your camp. Smaller Earth reserves the right to decline your application should we feel your condition(s) may affect your safety and ability to complete your summer contract.

  • You should seek advice from an insurance professional regarding additional insurance coverage. To have an additional policy which covers your pre-existing condition is mandatory if your GP or a medical specialist allows you to participate in the program. You need to provide a copy of this insurance policy to Smaller Earth no later than 30 days before your departure.

  1. Smaller Earth offers a travel insurance upgrade policy that covers personal liability and loss or theft of baggage, valuable or personal property. Full details are available in the insurance section of your online profile.

60. Prior to your departure for the USA:

  • You must create your medical insurance policy in the ‘Insurance’ section of your online profile, where you will find full insurance details. The policy will cover the completed duration of your time in the USA based on the dates of your booked flights.

  • You must pay for any extension costs incurred.

  • You can select to purchase the travel insurance upgrade policy (optional)

  1. If you fail to complete your insurance policy prior to your departure for the USA you will be automatically issued with medical insurance only. You agree to pay any additional charges incurred if the policy is longer than 90 days before your departure. An insurance extension is not refundable for any reason.

  2. Your insurance policy has an excess /deductible, which you will have to pay on any qualifying claims.

  3. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, and the Medical Release Form in your online profile’s document sections, you agree that Smaller Earth may take any reasonably required action in regard to your health and safety without incurring any liability or expense to Smaller Earth. This may include but is not limited to: your placement in a hospital, use of doctor's services, and transportation to your home country at your own expense.

  4. After creating your insurance policy; if you change your return flight to a later date, you are responsible for extending your insurance to the new date that you return to your home country. If you fail to do so you are liable for any and all medical costs incurred after the expiry date of the original policy.

  5. The above explained medical and upgrade insurance do not cover travel cancellation, if you wish to protect your travel with a travel cancellation policy, we advise you to contact your insurance provider and purchase a travel cancellation policy.

Section 10 - Fees

  1. The program fees payable to Smaller Earth shall be as published on http://www.campleaders.com

  2. An additional fee is paid to Smaller Earth on your behalf, by the camp at which you are placed, for the remaining costs of your program. This fee paid by your camp covers the cost of your placement, your insurance, and our services provided to camps.

  3. Additional Third-Party Costs: By participating in the program you will incur additional costs for services completed by third parties. Fees are set at the discretion of the third party who completes that service and may vary through the season. These additional fees may include (but are not limited to):

Additional Costs Cost Notes
Advanced Criminal Background Check Varies by country From your local garda
Medical Form Varies by country Charges are at the discretion of your physician
US Visa Application (MRV) Fee $160 USD Paid to US Embassy
Your flights Varies Depending on your arrival date, airport and the airline you choose to book through

You agree to pay these additional fees as they arise. Failure on your part to do this will result in your application being withdrawn from the program

  1. Any fees you incur for third party services or other costs associated with the program (but not inclusive in the program fee) are subject to change and not refundable by Smaller Earth in any circumstances.
Section 11 – Refund, Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy
  1. Once the application deposit is paid, should you withdraw within 14 calendar days and prior to your interview, you are entitled to a full refund of the deposit.

  2. Once the interview has been completed and/or the 14 calendar days passed the deposit becomes non-refundable in any circumstances.

  3. Should you withdraw or in the event of cancellation of the program before departure, having paid the program fees due as at the date of your cancellation in full, you will be issued a refund based on the services provided already. A reduced refund will be issued in instances when the program fees due as at the date of your cancellation have not been paid in full. Program fees paid to Smaller Earth are non-refundable in any circumstance after departure.

Stage at which we receive notification of your cancellation Refund Amount
Prior to interview Full refund within 14 calendar days
After interview - Stage switched to Accepted Deposit non-refundable Program Fee - 1st Instalment if paid - partially refundable (100€)
After application vetting and application is made 'Ready to Hire' Deposit non-refundable Program Fee - 1st Instalment non-refundable Any other program fees paid to Camp Leaders fully refundable
After we have found you a placement for the summer Deposit non-refundable Program Fee - 1st Instalment non-refundable Program Fee - 2nd Instalment non-refundable Any other program fees paid to Camp Leaders fully refundable
After application of DS2019 Form Deposit non-refundable Program Fee - 1st Instalment non-refundable Program Fee - 2nd Instalment non-refundable Program Fee - 3rd Instalment non-refundable
After DS2019 Form shipped from US If you withdraw your application: All fees non-refundable Program cancellation by Camp Leaders: Program Fee - 3rd Instalment only fully refundable
  1. If you are not offered a camp placement by 1st July 2023 you may:

  2. Withdraw your application, in which you will receive a refund of all paid program fees, less your deposit, which is non-refundable

  3. Defer your application and fees to a future season.

Please note that your rejection of a placement offer (other than a camp not matching your preferences or availability listed on your application) will mean that this agreement will be treated as called. This will negate the options above, and refunds will be given at the absolute discretion of Smaller Earth.

  1. FT participants may defer their application to a future season no later than 30 days prior to departure. Fees will be transferred to the future season. If however your DS2019 form has been ordered these costs will be subtracted from your deferred fees as these items are non-refundable.

  2. If you applied in a previous season and deferred your application to summer 2023:

  3. If your application is withdrawn before 30th September 2022, your application will be treated as a withdrawal from the season in which you deferred, and the appropriate refund & cancellation policy will be applied.

  4. if your application is withdrawn after 30th September 2022, the program fee is non-refundable.

  5. If your application is withdrawn within 7 days of your departure date, the program fee paid to Smaller Earth is non-refundable and you will be liable for fees that would otherwise be paid by your camp to Smaller Earth. Fees for incomplete camp placements work out at 26 USD (twenty six US dollars) per every day not completed at camp.

  6. In instances where your withdrawal from the program leads to you owing monies to Smaller Earth, you will be invoiced, and payment is due within 14 days of the date of issuance of the invoice. After 14 days of the invoice issuance date you shall pay Smaller Earth for all costs incurred by Smaller Earth in the recovery of any monies owed by you to Smaller Earth under this agreement, including but not limited to, recovery agent costs, repossession costs, location search costs, process server costs and legal costs. If you submit a written request, Smaller Earth can provide the opportunity to make this payment in instalments.

  7. If your application is withdrawn after your DS2019 form has been issued to you, the original DS2019 form must be returned to Smaller Earth within 7 days. No applicable refunds will be processed until the DS2019 form has been received by us. Failure to do so will incur an additional $100 fee.

  8. If you or a member of your immediate family (including parents or siblings; but not including grandparents) experiences a life-threatening illness, or death, prior to your departure to camp, written documentation must be submitted to Smaller Earth within 14 days and refunds/reduction in cancellation fees will then be considered at the absolute discretion of Smaller Earth.

  9. If you have not booked your J-1 visa appointment 14 days after you are notified by Smaller Earth to do so (or, if you are unplaced, 30 days before the availability date listed on your application) Smaller Earth reserves the right to withdraw you from the program without a refund.

  10. If you have not obtained your J-1 visa (delayed/denied/rejected) by the contracted start date of your placement or by 14th June 2023, whichever is sooner, Smaller Earth reserves the right to withdraw you from the program without refund.

  11. Any fees you incur for third party services (such as J-1 visa interview or police check) or other costs associated with the program (but not inclusive in the program fee) are not refundable by Smaller Earth.

83. You acknowledge that our ability to provide the services set out in this agreement is dependent upon your full and timely cooperation (which you agree to provide) as well as the accuracy and completeness of any information and data which you provide to Smaller Earth. Smaller Earth reserves the right to withdraw your application, without refund and terminate this agreement, if: a) we are unable to make contact with you at the contact details provided for 21 days b) if you are late more than 30 days with any paperwork or payments; or in c) any other circumstances where Smaller Earth is unable to obtain required information or action from you.

Section 12 - Incomplete Fees

If your application is withdrawn after your departure date, the program fee paid to Smaller Earth is non-refundable and you will be liable for fees that would otherwise be paid by your camp to Smaller Earth. Fees for incomplete camp placements work out at 26 USD (twenty six US dollars) per every day not completed at camp.

Section 13 – General

84. Your contract for your camp placement is with the relevant camp and which you are placed and your agreement with the camp will apply. Your contract for air travel is with the relevant airline and its booking conditions apply. As agent, we accept no responsibility for the actual provision of these arrangements. Our responsibilities are limited to providing the assistance and administrative services as set out in this agreement. We accept no responsibility for any information about these arrangements that we pass on to you in good faith. However, in the event that we are found liable to you on any basis whatsoever, our maximum liability to you is limited to twice the cost of the amount that you have paid to us for our services, as set out in this agreement. We do not exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury that arises as a result of our negligence or that of any of our employees whilst acting in the course of their employment.

  1. Smaller Earth will have the right to terminate this agreement in the event that you breach any of your obligations set out in the terms and conditions and termination will result in the loss by you of all fees paid and also render you liable for potential damages arising from that breach.

  2. Upon successful completion of your camp contract you have a further grace period of 30 days to depart the US, during which time you are not authorized to work. You are required to leave the USA at the end date of your J-1 visa grace period or by the departure date indicated to you by the USA immigration service on your arrival into the country. The United States Government has systems to track participants who overstay their visas and the penalties involved may well include bans of up to 10 years for the violator.

  3. Smaller Earth shall be entitled to assign the benefit or part of this Agreement to any third party, but shall remain primarily liable for the obligations hereunder.

  4. Upon agreeing to the terms and conditions of this agreement you agree that all data and information provided by you is true and correct. Furthermore, you undertake to notify Smaller Earth in writing of any changes to any data or information which you have supplied – including, in particular, any changes to the telephone number and address, police check and criminal background, medical condition, student status, etc. – within 3 work days via an email sent to the info@campleaders.com email address. You assume full liability for the failure to take the above-listed measures or for providing any false or incomplete data. Smaller Earth will not inspect the documents submitted by the applicant to verify their authenticity.

  5. Nothing in this Agreement shall create a commercial agency, partnership or joint venture between the Parties.

  6. This Agreement, together with all documents referred to in it shall constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and any other terms, conditions, performance criteria, guarantees or prior representations whatsoever (whether written or oral) shall be of no effect unless expressly incorporated herein. Each Party acknowledges that it has not entered into this Agreement in reliance on any statement or representation of the other Parties except to the extent that such statement or representation has been incorporated in this Agreement.

  7. No purported variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is agreed between the Parties in writing, refers specifically to this Agreement, and is duly executed by each Party to this Agreement.

  8. If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect. Both Parties agree to attempt to substitute for any invalid or unenforceable provision a valid or enforceable provision which achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and commercial objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

  9. No waiver by any Party of any breach by the other of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach.

  10. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts in relation to all disputes relating to the Agreement. Smaller Earth submits to the non- exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts in relation to all disputes relating to this Agreement and shall be entitled to commence proceedings against you in such other jurisdictions as are appropriate.

  11. Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing (including email) and shall be deemed duly given if signed by or (in the case of Smaller Earth) on behalf of a duly authorised officer of Smaller Earth and if sent by first class post or delivered by hand or sent by email to the address of the recipient set out at the beginning of this Agreement or such other address as the recipient may notify from time to time. Any such notice or other communication shall be deemed to be given:

  12. by post on the day (not being a Sunday or public holiday) falling 48 hours after the date of posting;

  13. if served by hand at the time the same was handed to or left at the address of the party to be served; and

  14. in the case of an email at the time of transmission,

and in providing service of the same it will be sufficient to prove in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly stamped, franked, addressed and placed in the post and in the case of a by-hand delivery that such letter was delivered to the proper address and in the case of an email that such email was duly transmitted to an email notified to the other party for this purpose.

  1. You agree to abide by all lawful rules and regulations of Smaller Earth and of the camp/resort at which you are placed and to fully indemnify and hold completely harmless Smaller Earth from and against any liability, obligation, loss and expenses including court costs and legal fees incurred by Smaller Earth, your camp/resort or a third party resulting from any injury, loss, property damage or expenses that you directly or indirectly cause or to which you contribute.

  2. Smaller Earth and its affiliates, agents and employees shall not be liable for claims or costs whatsoever arising from any injury, loss, damage, delay, accident or expense resulting from events beyond Smaller Earth’s control including (but not limited to) natural disasters, acts of God, acts of war or terrorism, strikes, incidents of politically motivated violence, pandemic, sickness or quarantine, government restrictions or regulations or transportation accidents, in the absence of gross negligence (or negligence in the case of personal injury) by Smaller Earth, arising from the use of any vehicle or from any act or omission by any agent or employee or guests of the participating camp, individual, firm, or company in relation to transportation to, from and within the U.S. or another facility or service organised on your behalf.

  3. Upon signing this terms and conditions agreement, participants hereby state that they will take part in the program at their own responsibility.

Please make a copy of these terms and conditions for your records.