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8 Hilariously True Reasons Summer Camp in America Is for Mums Too

A funny look at how summer camp isn't just for you, it's for your Mum too.

Author: Rhiannon
02 Jan 10:08

Happy Mothers day “Mom”.

With your son/daughter venturing into the world of summer camp, home is going to be a little different, a bit quieter and might feel a tad strange.

And despite missing your child, with them gone for the summer there’s a whole lot more time for you, a whole lot less laundry and let’s be honest, it’s great.

Here’s our top 8 reasons why being a parent when your son/daughter is working at a summer camp is pretty brilliant.

You can relax

And breathe, with all this free time you’ve got more time to do the things you love. Bubble bath, check. A glass of merlot, check. Minstrels open, check.

Free reign on the remote

Want to binge your favourite series, go ahead. Because you can.

The house is clean (… ish)

The odd appearance of the mystery smelly sock down the back of the sofa… no longer a mystery. We know whose it was, this summer it will be a thing of the past.

Money saved

The bank of mum and dad is closed this summer. Wonderful.

Ultimate bragging rights

“Oh what’s your child doing this summer? Oh don’t know if you knew but, mines teaching basketball in New York.”

A nice card to play at book club.

More food

With no-one raiding fridge, you’ll know who’s been scoffing the snacks. I think we all knew anyway. But your shop will definitely go further, an unopened box of after eights - now that’s a first!

It’s oh so quiet.
The pride you feel

It’s wonderful to know that your baby’s having an amazing summer, the pictures, the experiences you hear about. It so good and refreshing to know they are out seeing the world, exploring America and having a blast.

You couldn’t be prouder… but next time you’re going too.

Rhi is our company wordsmith. Having been to summer camp for 6 years, there's nothing this veteran doesn't know.

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