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Are you camp ready?

Camp Eligibility

Going to a summer camp is an amazing experience, one we want to share with everyone.

To work at a summer camp in America, we need for you to match our basic requirements. They are setup to make sure you’re eligible for the J1 cultural exchange visa and to check your suitability for the program.

If you’re worried you might not meet our requirements, then please reach out. What might seem like an issue, might not be a problem at all. You don’t know until you ask.

Check your eligibility for each of our roles

Support Staff

You'll need to

  • Be 18 years or older by 1st June, and no older than 28
  • Be able to start your travel to America the earliest, any date between 1st May -10th June
  • Be able to spend from 9 to 11 weeks at camp, not coming back earlier than August 15th
  • Be able to hold a conversation in English
  • Have a clean criminal background
  • Meet our medical check criteria
  • Be an active full-time student status at University

Camp Counselor

You'll need to

  • Be 18 years or older by 1st June
  • Be able to start your travel to America the earliest, any date between 1st May -10th June
  • Be able to spend from 9 to 11 weeks at camp, not coming back earlier than August 15th
  • Able to speak fluent English, since you will be working directly with children
  • Have a clean criminal background
  • Meet our medical check criteria

Activity Specialist

You'll need to

  • Be 18 years or older by 1st June
  • Be able to start your travel to America the earliest, any date between 1st May -10th June
  • Be able to spend from 9 to 11 weeks at camp, not coming back earlier than August 15th
  • Able to speak fluent English, since you will be working directly with children
  • Have a clean criminal background
  • Meet our medical check criteria
  • Hold a certification or qualification in your specialty

As a specialist you'll also need,

As a summer camp activity specialist, you’ll be the go-to person for a specific skill area. Activities are what makes camp such an energetic and unique place.

It's a huge bonus if you're qualified or have previous experience teaching your skill.

Camp Directors will want to see that you are the go to person for this activity and that campers will love being part of your class or session.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to have qualifications?

Nope, we are just looking for enthusiasm. If you’re applying to work in a more specialised role, it helps if you have qualifications and experience.

Do I need to have experience working with kids?

Any experience will be a bonus, no matter how small. If you don't have experience with children, then why not volunteer before you go? All experience will be beneficial, even if it’s just looking after younger family members, it all counts.

How long does it last?

Usually camp is a 9-week placement for counselors and 10 weeks for support staff. You’ll be able to specify your availability dates in your application and let us know what works for you.

Do I have to have a specific skill as I don't have any?

It’s always good to say a few things you have experience in (but it doesn't mean you have to be necessarily skilled). Summer camps are always looking for big personalities to fill their camps with energy and spirit. So as long as you’re yourself you’ll be great.

Do I have to be a student to apply?

The Camp Leaders program is for anyone that is 18+. Only role you need to be a student for is our support staff. As a counselor you can be a graduated student.

How old do I need to be to go to Summer Camp?

You must be 18 years or older by June 1st.

We wish we could send you across at 17, but it is due to Visa restrictions and insurance requirements to why it’s just not possible. Use the time instead to build up your application, get that volunteer and child-care experience.

Over 18, no problem - there is no age limit to the program.

When does Summer Camp start?

We send people across to begin their fantastic summers from May 1st.

To be eligible you need to be free between May 1st and June 10th. On your application you’ll be able to select your ideal start date and we’ll match you up with a Camp that begins around that time.

Different camps, in different states, all begin at different times. The earlier you select that start date the better - as more camps shall be able to hire you.

When does Summer Camp end?

Sadly all great things come to an end. Camps will close up season anywhere from August 15th to Sept 21st.

You’ll also have an optional 30 days to travel at the end of your contract, however, if you are a student and need to go back to school you should come back home as soon as possible.

When filling in your application, you’ll be able to select your date to come back home. As long as it’s not before August 15th then that’s just fine.

How long is Summer Camp?

Summer camp in America is between 9 to 11 weeks.

You need to make sure you will be available for the whole duration of summer camp. The beginning shall feature 2 weeks of in-depth training for you to understand your camp’s rules and traditions alongside settling in and team building.

After camp you can also travel on your Visa for 30 days… so you could be out enjoying the States for around 3 months - if you choose to!

Do I need to have a Police check to go to Summer Camp?

Yes, everyone needs a valid police check.

The police check must be in date from the September of the year you are applying. As you are working with children this is essential.

When do Camp Leaders applications close?

We'll update the homepage to our cut off date. But the applications for summer camp in America usually end around April. Our last discount is February 1st, after that date all fees are paid in full price.

We want to make sure that everyone once interviewed is able to get a place. To make sure you get your dream role - our advice is apply early. The early bird definitely catches the worm - if you apply too late we will have to put your application to the next year. So don’t miss out.

"There are too many amazing stories that I have to tell and no time to tell them all. It's indescribable!"