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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

If you haven't been placed yet... this one is for you!

Author: Rhiannon
18 Jan 10:50

Not being placed yet can be tough, but we want you to know we know and here's a little advice from us.

The wait to find your summer camp home can feel like a lifetime. You have invested everything into your application and are now in a bit of a limbo. Just waiting. You find yourself continually checking and refreshing your emails to see if anything has happened and then checking Facebook and it seems like just about everybody already has their camp. You really want to go and just want to know when you’ll find out about your summer…

Pause, breathe and relax, it’s going to be just fine!

We all went through the wait ourselves. We know the feelings and what we want for you to know it’s only temporary.

Not everyone has their summer camp yet, not by a long shot.

Everyone’s journey is different.

If you haven't been placed yet, then that's ok!

It definitely doesn't mean you won't be going to camp this summer. Let’s focus on the facts...

We placed 100% of people on the program last year and we're going to do the same this year.

What's happening

The camp hiring season runs all the way through until camps begin in June.

From the beginning, in September/October, camps will be looking at their staffing needs; from how many returners they have coming back, to how many campers they will be needing coverage for - and only then being able to figure out how many new positions they need and shall be able offer.

Most of the answers won't be there until January, especially 'returners' - they won't know if they're coming back until January/Feb.

Speaking as a returner, we can be pretty slow in letting camp know what we plan to do!

Directors also tend to hire their specialists first, then their general counselors second. So in the early months they shall be looking at roles which, like Liam Neeson, need a particular set of skills. Specialities such as riflery, motorboat driving and fire breathing*.

Camp directors will be focusing on filling their general counselor positions second, which tends to result in later placements for these roles.

Many camps won't know how many new spots they have until April, May and even June! This is when we will suddenly see a rise in online placements for new team members.

Why it’s ok

It’s completely normal not to have been placed yet. Looking at what's happening, if you have an ace general counselor application, then know that March will be your time.

What I should do?

We want for your application to be as strong as possible. Little tips and things you should actively be doing are;

  • Making sure you have a showcase.
  • Looking at your skill write ups and asking yourself, is there anything more I could add?
  • Checking if your dates are bang on, could you maybe go a day earlier?
  • Regularly updating your profile picture.
  • Check out blogs for Top Tips
  • Adding in any examples of your work, really showing off and letting them see how amazing you are.
  • Staying calm and thinking back to the facts on this blog.
People who were hired later

Many directors will happily confirm that some of their best staff members were late hires and we checked in with some of our favourite counselors who found out they were coming to camp a little later...

I was a last minute hire and was expected to fly out the next day. One day I had been sitting in my grandma’s garden and the next thing, I am in the hustle and bustle of Grand Central Station N.Y heading off to my new camp where I would meet people that would become the bestest friends I have ever known. - Elle Molyneux, Camp Kinder Ring, 3 years and counting...

It’s all about the journey

So there you have it, the moral of our tale today is that 'every little thing is going to be alright.'

If you are still worried and feel like you really can’t do any more to your application - then speak up. Call us on 0151 708 6868 and we will go through every part with you, in depth, and make sure you’ve given the application your all!

Rhi is our company wordsmith. Having been to summer camp for 6 years, there's nothing this veteran doesn't know.

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