10 Inspiring Reasons Which Will Make You Want to Work in the USA Immediately
America. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. The U.S. of A. Or simply just ‘Murica to those who know it best.
Camp Leaders

America. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. The U.S. of A. Or simply just ‘Murica - this amazing country is a source of inspiration and fascination worldwide.
It's famous for its stars and stripes, TV shows, amazing locations, food, and people - and most of all, the unique feeling it's capable of inspiring.
There are so many reasons to want to go and work in the USA - more reasons than there are states (if you're not aware, that means there are more than 50). Lucky for you, we've whittled them down to our top 10.
More and more people are choosing to work in America than ever before. But why should you work in the USA? Especially when there are so many other options out there. That's the main thing - why choose the USA over anywhere else? If you're stuck asking yourself this question, we'll help you find some convincing reasons to visit the Land of Liberty.
1. You'll connect with the people

Whenever you go to a new place, it can be a little stressful not knowing who you'll be spending your time with.
We've overwhelmingly found that Americans are friendly and welcoming - and they love their individual freedom. Isn't that exactly the reason you're thinking about traveling in the first place?
If you've been to America, you’ll know what we’re on about. If you haven't, there's only one way to find out. Your days at camp will be filled with action, and you'll meet lots of new people, from all over the world. They'll quickly become lifelong friends - and you'll never forget your summer working in America.
2. You'll discover lots of new places and things

America is a huge country - there might not be a more diverse country from north to south and east to west.
You can find any kind of landscape - massive cities, mountains, beaches, canyons, deserts, forests - it goes on and on. We've had some incredible adventures in America, and even in our team, no two people have had identical experiences. It's an endless wonderland, waiting to be explored.
Whatever you're looking for, you'll find it in the USA. So maybe the question isn't "why do you want to go to the USA?". Maybe the real question is "why don't you want to go to the USA?"
3. It's a country designed around convenience

America is a big place, so you might need to rent a car for your ultimate roadtrip.
Luckily, everything else is about as easy as it gets. Most stores are open on Sundays, and on most days are open into the evening as well. We like convenient. Drive-thru restaurants, pharmacies, and even banks, your list of errands suddenly becomes a whole heap easier and a lot more novel.
(Also, if you really want a convenient 3-month trip to the USA, head there with Camp Leaders, and take advantage of some awesome Leaders perks).
4. You'll meet people from all over the world

We've already spoken about the wonderful Americans we've met above, but many of us also made lifelong friends from places like all over the world (Australia, Asia, South America, and places all over Europe, to name just a few).
We felt like they were worth another mention, because these people will be in the same boat as you, so you'll have lots in common.
America is one of the most diverse countries in the world (after all, it's the land of opportunity). It's also great to head to a place where people speak the same language as you, especially if it's your first big travel adventure. A fair few of us were between 18-20 and new to travelling when we went to America - and we found it was a great way to start discovering the world on our own. Navigating visas, airports, finding accommodations and food, alone in a new place, can be kind of overwhelming - especially if you're not used to it. (By the way, Camp Leaders can take care of those things for you.)
5. Two words: summer weather

Get into the sunshine state of mind - but bring your sunscreen.
Somehow, this only ranks number 5 on our list - but it might rank higher on yours. That's okay, we totally understand - and we don't blame you. America’s weather in the summer is truly glorious. You'll get the odd thunderstorm and rainy day, but the majority of your summer will be fun in the sun.
People often think of California and Florida when they picture the USA - but if you want great summer weather, it doesn't really matter where you end up going.
If you head to America in the summer, you'll be treated so some truly fantastic weather. If you ask someone who's been to northern states like Maine or New York in the summer, they'll tell you that they got 30-degree weather, lakes, beaches, and campfires.
(Side note: if you don't know anyone who's been there in the summer, feel free to call in and ask one of our team members.
It doesn't matter if you've started an application - we won't charge you for asking questions!)
6. Location(s), location (s), location(s)

Yep, we've already covered discovering new places in this article - but this one kept coming up over and over again when people in the office told us what they loved about America. There are so many different ways to see America, and you won't forget your epic roadtrip, but there are also so many incredible cities to check out.
Whether you want to see L.A, New York, Honolulu, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, or somewhere else, it's worth a trip to a great American city (oh yeah, and we've also got great discounts on hostel stays in all those cities, plus a whole lot more).
7. Add your experience working in America to your CV

Think employers would rather someone who 'responsibly' stays at home and gets a job, rather than embracing adventure? Think again.
Employers value experience and competence above almost everything else - and you'll gain a boatload of both working abroad in America. You'll be responsible for a group of kids at camp, which can be a lot of work - and a fantastic chance to prove yourself.
Rather than heading somewhere for a two week vacation, why not go to America for the summer, work a summer job, and embrace your self-development and growth.
That's actually a huge part of what sets Camp Leaders apart - we don't just send people abroad to camp in America for one last fun summer before the 'real world' starts.
We set you up with a great opportunity to prove yourself as a competent, dedicated, hard-working adult who takes responsibility for yourself and others - and we provide you with the ultimate environment to do that in the most fun way possible. If that doesn't make your CV stand out, we're not sure what will.
Feel free to call in and ask one of our team members if this is how they found their Camp Leaders experience - this article was inspired by them, after all.
8. Visit the culture of independence and freedom.

America is the most easily recognizable country in the world - there's a reason for that.
America is at or near the top of just about everyone's list of places to visit, and it's not just because of the sunny weather and the iconic locations.
It's because of something hard to define, something that sets America apart from almost anywhere else in the world - something that defines the culture itself. We can all recognise America from TV shows and movies, but when you work in the USA, you’ll come to learn it’s so much more than that.
Americans are fiercely independent, and driven to set themselves apart. There's a sense of individualism that exists in America that has given birth to so much of what defines our world today - the internet, the iPhone, and Amazon.com, to name a few.
For better or worse, America has been a defining country in the world because of the individual achievements of its citizens.
We're not sure if that success is contagious, but there's only one way to find out if it will rub off on you.
9. Food. Glorious, delicious, nutritious (sometimes) food

Speaking of individual food achievements, America leads the way in that regard too.
Sure, they can't exactly claim to have created an iconic food like Neopolitan pizza from Italy (unless we're counting the McDonald's hamburger). Even still, what America has done might rival any contribution to the incredible world of food. America has taken foods from hundreds of different cultures, and done what no one else thought to - expand, improve, and (arguably) perfect those dishes.
American food is a cuisine in and of itself. Philly cheesesteak in Philadelphia, deep dish pizza in Chicago, doughnuts and a cuppa joe in NY, fresh fish tacos in New Mexico. Five Guys, Cold Stones, Chick-a-fila, Chipotle, In-and-Out. Never heard of them? Who are we kidding - of course you have. Food is a huge reason to go work in America. In fact, it's a good thing we left food until number 9 in this article - we'll move on quick, because we’re getting hungry.
(One last thing that's worth a mention here - if you want a full American experience, with food, accommodation, and even flights included, for an entire summer, Camp Leaders is the way to go.)
10. America is a chance to do something different

We live on a planet full of interesting, beautiful, and diverse cultures, that are worth exploring, experiencing and understanding. If there's one place to start, America might be just the right one. If there's one place you shouldn't miss, ditto.
It's a place unlike anywhere else in the world - we could give you a reason for all 50 states. Instead of doing that, we'll just say this - you'll never regret spending time in America, whether you go for a week or a full summer. You'll gain so much - experience, knowledge, incredible memories, self-development, and more.
There's no better way to explore a new place than to work and travel - and take it from us. There's no better place to work and travel for a summer than in the United States of America. We could tell you all about our experiences in the USA (and we definitely will if you catch us on the phone) - but your experience will be entirely unique to you.
You'll have the time of your life, and truth be told, most of us wish we were in your shoes. Have a great summer - you won't soon forget it.