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Let me take a selfie.

Social Media

We love social media, it's a great way to stay in touch and to show what an amazing time you're having in America.

However, when it comes to social media and summer camp, there are a few things you need to know.

Going private

Firstly, our big piece of advice is to make sure you've made all your social media accounts private. Status updates, pictures and even the different ‘pages’ you’ve liked can all have an impact on what a camp director will think of you.

Camps have dropped future staff members before they’ve even arrived in the USA based on what has been found on their social media. We’re not saying you need to delete your profile, just be wary about how you portray yourself (you're going to be a role model to children after all.)

Top Tip: Get one of your friends to delete you as a friend on Facebook and take a look at your profile, it's a great way to see it from a Camp Directors prospective.

Know your camp rules

We’re sure that when you sign your contract there will be a whole section on social media and what your camp expects, from adding campers on Facebook to phone usage at camp.

Take the time to read this, know this and understand it inside out.

Summer camp community

Welcome to the family.

Our online summer camp community is where you can meet like-minded superstars who've made the same decision to head to camp this summer.

It's a place you can go to, to ask questions, seek out information and make friends with people who are also wanting to go to camp this summer.

Maybe you haven't quite made up your mind about what you're wanting to do this summer... that's ok. We're here to help answer all those questions you didn't even realise you had.

Join our summer camp community. 


When you do get chance to update everyone back home with what your up to at camp, we want updating too.

Make sure to follow and tag us in everything you do. When we say everything, we mean everything.

From D’offs to paint wars. From grilled cheese to the blob. Everything…

You can find us on:

Facebook   Instagram

#CampLeaders on your posts too

"Welcome to the family"